Guidepost Consultants & Mentoring

GP104 – Reviving Your Compliance Plan: Is it Time for Resuscitation?

GP104 – Reviving Your Compliance Plan: Is it Time for Resuscitation?


Date: June 20, 2024 @ 1pm – 2pm CST

Where: Zoom link to follow

Course Description:

This course on a Healthcare Corporate Compliance Plan delves into the essential components of establishing and maintaining an effective voluntary compliance plan within your Private Practice. It covers the fundamental aspects of creating, implementing, and monitoring a compliance program to ensure adherence to legal and regulatory requirements and ethical standards in the healthcare industry. By the end of the course, participants will have a comprehensive understanding of the essential elements of a healthcare corporate compliance plan, including how to identify variances, conduct disclosure, roll out effective training programs, and conduct regular reviews to maintain compliance with legal and ethical standards.

Course Objectives:

1. Elements of a Voluntary Compliance Plan:
– Establishment of a code of conduct and ethical standards
– Development of policies and procedures to address compliance issues
– Establishment of effective communication channels for reporting violations
2. Identifying Variances and Disclosure:
– Methods for identifying deviations from established compliance standards
– Importance of prompt disclosure of variances to appropriate stakeholders
3. Rollout of Training Program:
– Ensuring regular and ongoing training to maintain staff awareness and competence
4. Quarterly and Annual Review:
– Reviewing data and metrics to evaluate the effectiveness of the compliance program
– Identifying areas for improvement and implementing necessary changes
– Ensuring compliance with regulatory updates and changes

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